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MODSFind all the available mods and stats.
KINGDOMSFind all the available Kingdoms and stats.
UNITS3rd party units from File Universe and MTMC.
MAP PACKSAll map packs compressed into one file.
MUSICThis pack contains all the music from 3rd party races.
4.0bb PATCHIncludes: - 500 units limit - More than 500 maps bug fix - Allows more than one AI per person in mutliplayer games - Direct Play launch on ironplague.icd allows the Creon race on multiplayer games
4.1bb PATCHIncludes: - Sound for host in multiplayer games! ( no more excuses if your monarch die while hosting, everyone can host! ) - Option to always allow Monarch Expendable - Allows 8 Players on direct play launch, such as Gamespy Arcade - Allows the 5th Race known as Creon on direct play such as, Gamespy Arcade and all the features from the Iron Plague expansion pack (movies can be downloaded apart) - ironplague.icd no longer used. - Command line not allowed anymore ( 3rd party unit makers can instead of using the -disablecavedog... just move the kingdoms.key file out of the kingdoms folder, but remember to put it back to play online)
CAMPAIGN MISSIONS7 new missions for the campaigns.
DXWNDImproves your game's performance. Access our in-depth guide to give your game a higher torque.
UNITS TABLEAnalyze precise stats and fine-tune your strategy.
ENHANCED LAUNCHERGreat tool to load your mod configuration. Adds new features and bugfixes to improve your TA:K experience.
TOTALA TILESETSContains: Totalbase, TotalaCrystal, Totalaquagmire, Totalasiberia, TotalaTakEvergreen, TotalaTakEvergreenCrystalTransitions.
TAK SWITCHERThis program helps to launch 3rd party creations such as mods, ais, races, and more.
PROGRAMSThis file contains several programs to help mod TAK.
3DO VIEWERA useful web tool to view complete 3D unit models, objects and textures.
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